Frequently Asked Questions
Are you tractor supplier or manufacturer?
We are tractor manufacturer. We can provide the complete tractor and spare part steady with competitive price, because we are the source.
Can you send us price-list or tractor price?
At least tell us the below information: 1)The Power/HP of tractor you need, 2)The possible order quantity you need, 3)The country where you are from, 4) Trading or self-using? Unless we know each other better and we can do our best to help you.
What implements can suit the tractor and where can get .
Front Loader, Backhoe, Mower, Harrow, Plough, Trailer, Slasher, Snow Blower or as per your requirements ,And our company can supply above implements .
Can I put my brand name on your tractor instead of your brand name?
Yes, we can do the tractor with your logo in your order.(It Is Free)
If there any optional configuration?
It can be equipped with ROPS, Canopy, Cabin, AC Cabin, Air Brakes, Hydraulic Valve Out, Paddy Tire, Turf Tire or as per your requirements.
What is the package and loading quantity?
25horse power~40horse power tractor can use steel frame, if with cabin, two units/20GP, if without cabin, 50horse power~100horse power tractor 3 complete units/40GP, 2 complete units with Cabin/40HQ
Kyutaromachi Kowa Building 7F,2-5-28,
Kyutaromachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka, 541-0056, Japan